Your comfort zone is where you’re at ease and safe, but also where you stay stagnant. Growth and discovery happen outside of it. The square is your comfort zone, you are the diamond stepping into the unknown. Have the courage to take risks and welcome change (listen to your inner voice). Accept the discomfort and move through it. This is where your greatest self thrives. A part of loving yourself is to discover and challenge yourself in new ways.
Solid 14K Gold
Diamond - 0.02ct
Made with 🖤 in Los Angeles
Your comfort zone is where you’re at ease and safe, but also where you stay stagnant. Growth and discovery happen outside of it. The square is your comfort zone, you are the diamond stepping into the unknown. Have the courage to take risks and welcome change (listen to your inner voice). Accept the discomfort and move through it. This is where your greatest self thrives. A part of loving yourself is to discover and challenge yourself in new ways.
Solid 14K Gold
Diamond - 0.02ct
Made with 🖤 in Los Angeles